Introducing ZenKraft's Hyper X-Treme Bi-Fold Notebook. This is a revolutionary design in notebooks, and is just the beginning of where this design will go. This notebook has five pockets, three Tech Pockets and two Utility Pockets. It has the ability to hold 4 regular size inserts, and in the Tech Pockets pens, rulers, etc. The flip top Utility Pocket is 5" deep and can hold medium size pens. The versatility of this notebook is off the charts, as it has more potential than any other notebook in the ZenKraft line. Constructed from 5oz. oil tanned distressed brown leather, it is both stylish and durable. Folks, its the Hyper X-Treme Bi-fold, from yeah, ZenKraft baby! if interested, thanks! if interested, thanks!